Friday, July 15, 2011

Jessica Edstrom Bridals - July 9, 2011

Victory Rolls and All Over Curls for a Vintage Wedding

Hair and Photography done by me:Kendra Garland

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Anna Stice

Junior Prom May 21, 2011

Towering Curls down the back towards a curly Extension Ponytail

Kelleena Bonglamphone

 Senior Prom May 21, 2011

 Loose Curls and Barrel Curls in the back with Extension Ponytail

Friday, October 8, 2010

Western Photo Shoot (Anna Stice)

Just had some fun trying out my photography skills, so I did Anna's hair and we took some pics in my backyard and the feild by my house:)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Kaycee Stewart

Bridal Photo Shoot in Memory Grove Park, Salt Lake City Utah
I just did a bridal photo shoot for fun to try a new hair idea and something was alot of fun...Daniel Bean was the photographer and did a great job

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Heather's Wedding Up-do

I crossed her hair up the back and then did large barrel curls on top with a flower to accent.